Deepening into You and Your Soul


Originally designed as an individual sojourn, It has grown into SO MUCH MORE

We each long to do our own work but sometimes we need a hand as we walk through life. 


The Deepening into You and Your Soul is designed to assist you across those snags, support bridge building, and deepen the next level of understanding for your own personal path. This 5-weekend course is designed for those taking their first steps as well as those who have been walking on their path for years. This course is designed to meet you where you are.

I will be there with you as you clarify your path, create and build a dialogue with your guides + soul, and hold you as you take that deeper dive into understanding and embracing your next level of who you truly are. Together we will create the rituals, ceremonies, and communication you need to support you on your path. You will become the creator of how you want to live in the world today and tomorrow.

How does this work for those of you already secure on your path? Together we will find the tools that will help you move deeper. We will discover together where the blocks and snags that continue to trip you up lie. You will discover tools to help you sustain your rhythm.

This 5-weekend course starts Saturday 15 March 2025 and ends Saturday 19 April 2025.

How does it all work?

  • We will meet on Zoom.

  • Begin with a tool to bring the focus into sharper view. 

  • We will gather in a private Facebook group to help build a sense of community.

  • Beginning each week a written or audio lesson designed around your chosen focus will be posted in the Facebook group.

  • Each week we will meet as a group to review the week and receive your homework for the next week on Zoom. It is beneficial that we build a cohesive group for support and community.

  • Followed by a mid-course 1/1 call with me to really flush out next steps, release anything stuck or other necessary steps.

  • Introduction + support in using shamanic tools for continued support.

  • There will be several check-ins during our time of delightful soul-play allowing the body to incorporate the deepened connection.

  • A special ceremony will open + close this 6 week course.

  • I will keep a pulse on your work so you can relax into the shifts and growth.

  • Finally a 30 minute personal call with each participant to close the session.  

  • Cost is $90/wk or $450 for all 5 weekends

What's the value of a community?

  • We learn from each other.

  • We need to know there are others who are seeking and walking their soul path.

  • Community is where growth happens because we all need to know we are not alone as we walk in this world.

  • To bring the world into a caring, supportive place, and for the future we need to know we can thrive in community.




This 5 weekend course is for anyone interested in deepening their connection with spirit and their soul.  Everyone is welcome!

 To apply contact me at

Please note: This course does not include a soul retrieval or extraction.  Those can be arranged separately during the 5 weeks course if found to be necessary.






Traveling the dark seas for you

Soul Voyage - A shamanic soul retrieval created in union with your soul and spirit

For over 30 years I have studied and practiced many healing modalities.  My work in the shamanic realm offers depth and empowerment for others.  This work is a catalyst for change in a manner that is life altering. 

It leads to genuine happiness, an understanding of self, and the confusion in the meaning of life is diminished.  

In soul work I travel to other worlds to retrieve forgotten gifts, lost pieces of your soul from life’s disappointments, trauma, or those times we are frightened and retreat.  In a journey, I locate where a memory, an illness, or behavior problem resides in the non-ordinary and deal with it on your behalf, often bringing back forgotten gifts and knowledge.

My soul care session are offered in a 2-hour format via Zoom or in-person with those local.

When you find a sealed door that you cannot open, a soul journey done on your behalf, will swing that door wide.  It will bring you a sense of relief, confidence, and a renewed life.  

To schedule your session please email me at

(Those with special financial needs please contact me directly to discuss)

Please note:  the offerings here are intended to complement or work in synergy with the advice of your primary care provider or other health professional.  I am not a licensed physician and as such do not diagnose illness or prescribe treatments.  Shamanic practices can assist with and restore a greater sense of well-being, vitality and wholeness, allowing you to begin or complete a process of transition or healing.  However, the results are not entirely predictable and as such, you are advised to seek and/or continue the advice of a licensed medical practitioner.